Colonel Hathi’s pizza outpost – Disneyland restaurant

Colonel hathi's pizza outpost Disneyland

At Colonel Hathi’s Pizza Outpost, relaxation goes hand in hand with the soothing sound of waterfalls. Adventureland, one of Disneyland’s eight lands, is located near this restaurant. I discover the wonders of Italian cuisine at this culinary establishment. During my stay at Disneyland, I’m constantly falling back into childhood. Here are some of my favorite moments at Colonel Hathi’s Pizza Outpost.

plan Colonel hathi's pizza outpost Disney paris

First, Colonel Hathi’s Pizza Outpost stands out for its British colonial-style decor. It preserves the Explorer’s Club theme of adventure and discovery. As I enter, I immediately notice the old typewriter on the desk. There’s also an airplane propeller adorning the ceiling. This decor is located just inside the restaurant’s cash register. The Colonel Hathi’s Pizza Outpost is enhanced by a number of unusual objects. I particularly appreciate these details for a stay at Disneyland Paris.

Colonel hathi's pizza outpost meal

In this tropical setting, I observe menu. Three choices presented themselves to me, and I opted for the number 2. For 15 euros, I enjoy lasagne bolognaise with the garlic baguette. My culinary adventure at Disneyland continues with a Magnum mini almond and a cold drink. For the other two menus, you’ll find rigatoni pasta or pizza royale. Otherwise, Colonel Hathi’s Pizza Outpost offers a succulent chicken salad or a 3-cheese pizza. The children’s menu costs 9 euros. The formula boils down to pasta rigatoni with Neapolitan sauce, your choice of side dish, a drink and dessert.

The staff will welcome you in an atmosphere inspired by the “Jungle Book”. Discover this military elephant without further ado!

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